Ashoka Brinjal Pickle. Brinjal Pickle also called as Aubergine pickle. It?s a sweet pickle made from Aubergines. These pickle goes well with curries and poppadums and adds as a perfect condiment to a meal.
Ashoka Carrot Pickle. Carrot Pickle consist of fresh carrots, mustard oil, preserved salt and vinegar with spices. Carrot Pickle tastes sweet and hot. All the pickles are usually hot and mild in spice
Ashoka Chunndo Pickle. Chunndo Pickle contains high quality of mangoes. It is made from special traditional recipe which includes spices and oil and this gives pickle an authentic taste. Choondo is sweet in taste.
Ashoka Garlic Pickle with Olive Oil. Ashoka Garlic Pickle is spicy and made from the freshly picked garlic cloves. The delicious garlic is shredded in olive oil. This mouth-watering pickle makes a perfect condiment to a meal.